Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Personal Branding Imprtance And Criteria †Free Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Personal Branding- Imprtance And Criteria. Answer: Introduction Personal branding was introduced some years back with a set of articles by tom peters. He wrote that we are all the CEOS OF OUR OWN COMPANY and that is our own selves. It is very important to keep us updated and in a fine manner to create a good profile of ourselves on the minds go public. Its in our hands to show the world, the best side of ours. We are our own brands and it is very important for a brand to be well kept for increasing its value in all the terms. Future Business/ Job Project The future job which I want to pursue is becoming head chef in a 7-star rated hotel. I have been very much passionate with my work and have always got good results for the new experiments I have ever done in my life since the time I made cooking a passion from a part time hobby (Gratton, 2010). This job is bit off track from various other jobs which people think of pursuing in their life. But from my thinking, this best I can do for earning a good living as in this area, I can show my interest and work as per my taste. Working long hours would not become a burden for me as I have a keen interest in delivering the best out of me and earning respect and praises from the people whom I serve and make a stand at my workplace. I already have an experience of 10years in the same field in which I have always had a good repo, wherever I served (Gratton, 2010). Now this dream job of getting the position of a head chef in THE TAJ hotel will be my aim. I would try firstly brand my own self in a manner where I can attract people through my own name and fame. What Is Personal Branding And Why Is It Important Firstly, before self analysis, we must discuss what is personal branding and why is it necessary for a person to brand themselves and creature their own image profile. Personal branding is no less than branding a product. It involves polishing yourself with the best you have done and what you aim to do in the future (Joziasse, Selders and Woudhuysen, 2010). Personal branding is a process of showing up your own self to the world the best way one can. While we operate social media sites like, LinkedIn or Facebook or twitter, it is thought that a person creates a space of his thoughts ideas and achievements on the social platform for sharing it to the world. With all the special sites linked with each other, lets the recruiters visit your personal social media profiles and assess you in a different possible way, where, one can check the lifestyle a person lives in, what other hobbies one is indulged in or seeking any other qualities of that person (Gratton, 2010). Companies nowadays do not just focus on the practice of old school methods of recruiting a person for A class jobs but also prefer to look at your social world and social profiles where they can a report of your past instances, your personality and understand in a much better way. Self Analysis As told earlier, I have been a student of hotel management institution. I graduated with a satisfactory score of 89% in my course and have always had good reports in my whole college life. Cooking and kitchenware has been my passion since the time I was in my college. Expect from the score, I have been very good in preparing new international dishes in a fine manner and managing the whole lot of chefs properly. I have worked in 3 hotels in my 10 years experience which were rated as 5 stars. I have my social profiles on almost all the platforms- Face book, twitter, instagram and LinkedIn but i do not keep them well updated. A person, if not updated socially, might face some issues reaching his or her dream job as of now; the companies do look at your personal profile data for taking you inside the company. It has been a new trend in the industry to take aloof on the social profile of a person (Joziasse, Selders and Woudhuysen, 2010). A short SWOT analysis of self can be conducted to review your position in the industry- Strengths- the biggest strength of my life is that, I have an experience of 10 years which matters a lot in the hotel industry. Uri have worked for good brands and have made my own position valuable. This can help me be better than many others looking for the same position as mine. Weaknesses- although I have my profile created in many of the recruitment providing websites but my social profile not well updated and there are no experiences added to my Facebook profile (Kuehn, 2016). All my achievements are on paper and in a file but they are continuously updated in the social websites of LinkedIn and Facebook. Opportunities- there are many opportunities for a person in hotel industry. Infect, nowadays, hotel industry is no less than a show business and a person with good profile and experience is preferred for jobs in good and priced hotels. The pay of hotel chefs and managers is way too good as hotel industry is gaining importance day by day (Joziasse, Selders and Woudhuysen, 2010). There is a good chance of companies looking for new or more people in their hotels to stabilize more and more. Threats- I might have a very good profile on papers but I am not well updated on the social media profile and this can act as threat for me. It can be a negative factor in this filed (Kuehn, 2016). Many new people are coming up with skills in the hotel industry amend with their good social profiles and a better personal brand, can attract companies towards good positions and I might suffer some negative effe cts of being un-updated. Hence, a person must assess his or her SWOT analysis for knowing the reality of his value in todays world. What Personal Brand You Want To Create In Order To Attract The Future Recruiters? Social Networking Profile I would like to update myself with all the social platforms and try to add all my achievements and experiences to my social profiles too. Starting with Facebook, a proper identity must be created with full description of your living, add trees and name. If a person fails to maintain one social profile of his own, then it might have confused the recruiters to know your real ideas and profile. Social profiles must not be confusion. It is all in the hands of a person to show the best of his or her life in the special profile (Kuehn, 2016). Creating personal brand needs- Clear description of name, age and location All the updates of the school level education Updates of graduation level education with clear knowledge of stream Good updates of status and pictures which improves the personal brand Updates of interest and hobbies Pictures of the food and experiences one has had in the work life All the updates of praises and rewards one has received in his life Experiences along with the company and time period and designation (Waldman., 2013) Conclusion In this research in the students needs if personal branding, we realized that personal branding and creating a social profile is very much necessary for a person in todays world. What a person shows to the world is always in his hands so he must use it to show the best of himself (Zarkada, 2010). We must try to create a profile in such a way that Google search displays your name on the top of the list when searched with name and location. Always keep self updated with SWOT analysis which tells about the current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to person. This helps a person get better and enhance his or her qualities and defects for improving the analysis for the next time. Always try to go with new ideas and updates in the lifestyle as they help you brand yourself as per the new generation and compete with the new people and world. For making value in the world, person first needs to create of himself that is brand himself with the best of what he has. References Gratton, S. (2012). Follow Me! Creating a Personal Brand with Twitter. Hoboken: John Wiley amp; Sons. Joziasse, F., Selders, T. and Woudhuysen, J. (2010). Innovation, Branding, and Organization: What International Design Managers Think About Their Performance. Design Management Journal, [online] 3(1), pp.38-45. Available at: https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1948-7177.2008.tb00005.x [Accessed 19 May 2017]. Kuehn, K. (2016). Branding the Self on Yelp: Consumer Reviewing as Image Entrepreneurship. Social Media + Society, [online] 2(4). Available at: https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/2056305116678895 [Accessed 19 May 2017]. MacGregor, J. and Cavallo, J. (2011). Breaking the rules: Personal control increases womens direct relationship initiation. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, [online] 28(6), pp.848-867. Available at: https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0265407510397986 [Accessed 19 May 2017]. Montoya, P. and Vandehey, T. (2002). The personal branding phenomenon. Santa Ana, CA: Peter Montoya Inc. Waldman. (2013). Job searching with social media for dummies. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons. Zarkada, A. (2010). Concepts and Constructs for Personal Branding: An Exploratory Literature Review Approach. SSRN Electronic Journal. [online] Available at: https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1994522 [Accessed 19 May 2017].

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