Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The American Revolution The United States - 1377 Words

Many Americas don’t know how this country began or how it became this amazing and free country it is today. The American Revolution was the beginning for the United States. It was a time when the Americans separated themselves from the British and established their own rules and regulations, but it wasn’t easy. In fact it was a very long process that lasted for twenty years. There were twenty five battles fought in this time period, and many innocent citizens died. There were both long and immediate causes of the Revolution, but the most important being that American colonists were not yet seeking independence from the British. The American Revolution began on April 19, 1775 at the Battle of Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts. The†¦show more content†¦The minute men faced the British, and let them take the first shot. After several men were down, the battle moved to Concord where they were surrounded by the American militia. By the end of the day, many troo ps from both sides were dead. This was an immediate cause that started the American Revolution. In May, the second Continental Congress was formed, where twelve out of the thirteen colonies sent fifty-six delegates. The major accomplishment of the meeting was a ban on British goods from all the colonists. The Continental Congress selected George Washington to take over as commander-in-chief in June of 1775. He forced the British out of Boston, and lost New York City. He also led Revolutionary forces to capture the two main British combat armies at Saratoga and Yorktown after crossing the Delaware River. June 17, 1775, The Battle of Bunker Hill took place during the siege of Boston. This battle was also known as the Battle of Breed’s Hill. The Continental Congress adopted the Olive Branch petition in July 1775 in order to avoid a full force war with Great Britain. It insisted American loyalty to Britain and suggested to stop further conflict, but the king of Britain rejected the petition. December 22, 1775, the Continental Congress formed a Continental Navy under commander in chief Esek Hopkins. The first ships to flee were the Alfred, Columbus, Andrew Doria and Cabot. The main cause of this huge riot between American colonists and the British was that they

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