Monday, May 25, 2020

What Is A Student Athlete - 1101 Words

What is a student athlete? Well, if you break down the two words, according to (n.d), a student by definition is â€Å"a person formally engaged in learning, especially one enrolled in a school or college† (1). Also, according to (n.d), an athlete is â€Å"a person trained or gifted in exercises or contests involving physicalagility, stamina, or strength; a participant in a sport, exercise, or gamerequiring physical skill† (1). Therefore a student athlete is a person engaged in learning and enrolled into school or college who is active in a sport. If one is just a student alone then they have a lot of responsibilities and hard work to put forward towards their career. If they pile a sport or even more than one sport†¦show more content†¦Games are away as well. Student athletes spend hours on a bus traveling to an away game. This is very time consuming. Student athletes get home late from games and are usually ready for bed to have enough sleep to be able to get up for school or class the next day. These two examples clearly show that athletics take up a lot of time which could be used studying or doing homework. If they are not studying or turning in their homework, their grades begin to slip for the reason that they are either one, not prepared for their upcoming test or two, they are just getting zeros on assignments because they did not have the time to do them. Also, they are exhausted from practices, games and training so they are not fully focused on their school work due to exhaustion. Along with the time consumption of sports, athletics also bring out the character in people. In some situations, sports bring out the bad character in athletes. Most sports require aggressiveness and a headstrong attitude to succeed and win. The player takes the aggressiveness and attitude from the court or the field into their everyday lives. If an athlete does not have aggression and easily gives up the ball to the oth er team then they are not succeeding. Sports also do teach good character in some situations as well, for instance while watching a high school football game if there is an injured player on the field then both teams

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